Imma Thinkin This Story Has Another Chapter Left.

Still doing graphics amidst trying to keep calm and unpissed off.  Change makes me cranky. I am NOT happy that my ZING player does not show up here. SO I am paying by the month on starting early March. My HTML custom stuff such as my zing players, PictureTrail slides etc had best show up or that site will be gone like a freight train. 

I chose webs because I have already used the service for 6 years. It started as and back in 08 I started a multiple page endeavor on bird care. It is still there, updated it just last week…still have a couple things to go over but the link is and is called Kathys’ Best Exotic Bird Resources.  They have pared down on the free version from 20 to 10 pages and you have to pay to do custom HTML. So I am signing up for a mild paid version that will give me that. I need flash. Or whatever passes nowadays for flash, as I like to do animations and animated gif images.

Hopefully by paying I can get what I need to make me happy with posting my graphic endeavors. I do these creations to relax, not to get jazzed when having to upload to a nerdy site that offers nothing I can use.

Family pics I am putting up on G+ and Flickr. So the albums I had on my 2 opera blogs r/t family will be probably on either, or both. Separation of church and state so to speak. Creations go on and have since Nov 2012.

What I create: in several different graphic programs that I have I just make what I think are passable images, composites, layered blends, what not and a few animations. I do this like I said, for fun, a hobby as it were. I learned on Paint.NET how to do layers and apply effects. Graduated thanx to a friend here on Vivaldi up to Photoshop, now have an adobe subscription to current versions.

Got a new laptop end Dec with 17″ screen so the old lady can see what she is doing and read the menus, well, somewhat read the menus.

Photoshop does have a learning curve, if you want to learn every damned thing it does. I just use it to blend images together, use brushes and effects and filters, occasionally the Type tool and that is about it. Got most of that right out the box. Had some experience with PS7 already.

Artrage 4 and Twisted Brush studio are 2 cool new apps I got recently to play paint with, maybe come up with something unique for a background or what not. 

Apophysis 7, DAZ studio, PSPx4, all programs I  use to enhance what I do. Just also got some cool filters, Super BladePro, and a few others still have to see what some do.

That is my life, along with dog, birds, music, books, upcoming move to SLC area in Utah late summer, crazy tantrums, noisy birds, dog running after passers by, me running after dog in my socks in the snow, wonder why I’m on xanax. I need a cave with internet, warm, dry, soft cozy bed, my kinds of food, place for dog to go out and not run after every kid that happens by. Movies I have on my drive. Plenty to watch. Quiet is what I need. any for sale anywhere?

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